A Six Month, small group, Online
Transformative Coaching Experience…


in a world of complexity and infinite unknowns…

Welcome to Hemispheres i: The magician’s Journey

…a program of consciousness transformation for
Inside-Out Results creation!

You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.
— Steve Jobs

Who Is This for

This program is for those who are looking to become more adept results creators AND who recognise the limitations of the currently dominant, linear ‘productivity focussed’ paradigms (time, task and procrastination management methods).

It is for those who recognise that we have more power in where we are coming from rather than in where we are struggling to get to.

It is for those who recognise that there is more to the workings of the world than is dreamt of or accounted for by science, pure reason, materialistic philosophy and rationalistic ‘common sense’ (to massively paraphrase William Shakespeare).

It is for those open to discovering the power and purpose of mythical and magical consciousness.

It is for those who are fully committed to a journey of personal transformation (rather than those who are still ‘getting ready’).


Let me introduce

If you are here you likely as not already know of me in some capacity or other, but if not…

My name is James Tripp, and 12 years ago I walked out of soul-destroying employment in project management to create a new life for myself and my young family as an independent ‘life practitioner and creator’, leveraging my passion and expertise in the field of generative influence and personal psychology.

At that time, my second daughter was born only a few weeks earlier which seems, in retrospect, like an absolutely crazy moment to walk away from a ’steady income’ and go solo… but I was determined to create myself beyond where I was at FOR my daughters and their future, and there was no route to that whilst stuck in the job/work environment I was at the time in.

I was also brimming with optimism as I’d been working part time with clients for a couple of years already, and it looked like business could only get better. But, of course, that was the beginning of 2008…

…by the end of that year the world was deep in recession and reeling from the impact of the Global Financial Crisis…

…and it almost buried me!

I remember the rising panic as clients and income dried up; there was no safety net and no way back into my old line of work as no-one was hiring. I had no idea what to do, but I had to do something…

…what I had to do was evolve!

As a product of the schooling system and culture of the late 20th century ‘Western World’, I had been raised in certain paradigms and values sets that shaped my consciousness and engagement with the world in some very particular ways. To put it simply, I had been raised inside of a very mechanistic, utilitarian, rationally minded, linear ‘get through to get to’ paradigm for ‘success’ in the modern world, but what I didn’t know was that this paradigm…

…served only to shape people as gears in a someone else’s profit machine!

It was a means of mechanising people - a means of making them less alive and less dynamic so as they could serve as instruments to others - all dressed up as what they needed to do for their own success and happiness.

But it was a con!

I’m not saying it was a consciously designed con (more likely ‘emergent’ - emergence is a powerful dynamic that we will be learning to create with in this program), but it was a con nonetheless. The irony is, those who we tend to lionise as as the blazing superstars of success by the standards of our culture are those who didn’t fall for the con (or were raised in a different game)… like Steve Jobs who I’ve quoted above. Let’s read that again:

”You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”

Now let me ask you a question - does this read like something you learned at school?

Does this sound like the ‘time management’, ‘get a plan and work hard’, super focussed, outcome orientated ‘efforting’ our culture generally raises us to subscribe to?

It doesn’t - it is, in fact, much more aligned with something we are generally taught to dismiss, deride and stay the heck away from…


Yes, magic.

“You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever”

This is not the hard nosed, utilitarian, rationalistic, action plan, to do list, gantt chart kind of language that we should be hearing from the mouth of someone held up as a game changing creative force in the modern world. Jobs, right here, is essentially using ‘magical’ concepts to describe his way of creating that which he creates (created).

Now, many would read this and assume he is just being poetic and ‘waxing lyrical’ for rhetorical effect, and that underneath of it he really just did what we believe is the ‘only true way’ - got an idea, got a brilliant plan, got his head down and worked, worked, worked through all the steps to success. But I am going to suggest that this is ABSOLUTELY NOT THE CASE!

Indeed, I am going to suggest here that Steve Jobs not only approached things in an entirely different way, but also that he lived in and came from an entirely different consciousness from the one that most people take on board as they are growing up. A consciousness emerging from a deep, embodied organisation of reality that had him show up in life and engage with it in a way that was by default profoundly adaptive and generative.

This consciousness and way of engaging includes the rational but is not bound or limited by it, treating rationality as a creative function rather than as an arbiter of truth and correct action.


In 2008 the global economy took a massive and near catastrophic shock. It did so because the World’s economy had become increasingly complex across the latter half of the 20th century. This compexity continues to make it highly unstable and consequently less and less predictable. Along side of this, technology has created infinitely more points of contact within the network of global culture and affairs. The World is logistically more connected too - an interconnection that increases as technology advances. This brings with it greater cultural, political and economic flux which, in turn, trickles right down to the personal and interpersonal level.

The World has changed. The territory we have maps for has changed and continues to change, and is changing too fast for us to make new maps. Even more so now than in Jobs’ time.

We need the kind of consciousness that can adapt and dance with complexity.

We need to find ways of working generatively within a field of infinite unknowns.

We need a new, transcendent, integral magical consciousness.

For me, this is what I had to start developing within myself from 2008, and I am still developing it… now because it is needed more than ever.

What Is This Talk of ‘Magic’… And Why Should We take It Seriously?

To be clear, when I’m talking about ‘magic’ I am NOT talking about anything supernatural or ‘other worldly’; I’m simply talking about an ability to engage and create with complexity. To work generatively with the infinite unknown variables that are at play in our lives; to become adept at…

dancing results out of reality!

As we enter this 3rd decade of the 21st century we are charged with creating enriching and fulfilling lives for ourselves and the people who are important to us, in an unprecedentedly complex world of infinite and unknown variables. Straight up, linear, analytic thinking can no longer cut it because it cannot accommodate or work with what is not known or knowable. It cannot work with complexity.

To reiterate, I’m not talking here of the supernatural or ‘other worldly’ in any way whatsoever - this is very much a ‘this worldly’ approach to magic, but one that is nonetheless rich and deeply profound…

…and more important now than perhaps at any point in human history…

…ironically at a time when magic and magical concsiousness has become less valued than at any previous point.

Magic, the way I’m using the term, is simply the artful use of our psychological faculties for working generatively with uncertainty and the unknown.

Magic is the dancing of results out of reality!

It requires a different way of thinking and different kind of consciousness, but when we tune into it we can begin to create like all true and prolific creators do - fluidly, adaptively and non-linearly.

Now, there is no rule in the universe that says we must shift our ground of consciousness and start engaging with the world as true creators (rather than linear ‘producers’), however…

If we stop to look around we’ll see that most people who are trying to ‘get ahead’ or even just survive these days are racked with tension as they struggle to control the chaos of life. They live in argument with reality rather than connecting generatively with its deeper nature

Hypnosis is closely related to magic as we are talking about it here, in that it is essentially about moving minds to re-shape experience, and the behavioural results that follow from that.

Hypnosis is closely related to magic as we are talking about it here, in that it is essentially about moving minds to re-shape experience, and the behavioural results that follow from that.

…resulting in stress, anxiety, low states, compromised health and relationships and the pay off is often merely ‘getting through’.

Even when people get beyond ‘getting through’ and attain many of our cultural measures of success, their quality of life is still often significantly compromised in terms of relationship, health and ongoing experience… stuck constantly in a narrow, tight, hyper-focus that undermines their wellbeing.

By learning to adeptly dance with complexity and create generatively with the infinite unknowable variables that influence our lives, we get to live freer, live lighter AND be more adept at creating outcomes that serve and enrich us and those who we care for and steward.

‘Magic’ arose in ancient times as a way to work generatively with the unknown. And IT WORKED (we know, because the homo sapiens survived and thrived through around 200,000 years to get to where we are at today through the application of magical thinking, and we still use it - although unwittingly and often without much craft).

It works becasue it consists in generating and engaging with workable models of the complex systems that govern our lives. These models become consciousness structures that generate behaviours effective in creating results amid complexity.

In the 20th century, in a world of greater-than-ever complexity, we need magic more than ever - BUT NOT THE MAGIC OF OLD! We live in different times and we are in need of something more nuanced; something transcendent and inclusive of the innovations in the tools of reason that came out of The Enlightenment (whilst mitigating the downsides of ‘rationalistic’ consciousness - and yes, it does have its downsides). We need now, more than ever, to be truly open to possibility and truly willing to work with that which lies outside of one-sided ‘purely rational’ engagement (the rational mind is great for working with what it knows and terrible at working with what it doesn’t).

This is what this program is all about!


Training Change Agents in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil in 2018

Training Change Agents in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil in 2018

Since the financial crash of 2008, I have created an internationally recognised and respected approach to hypnosis and associated training brand (Hypnosis Without Trance), a global coaching and training business, spoken at professional conferences on four continents, built a YouTube channel with 24000 well qualified subscribers (that ‘well qualified’ bit is key here), set up and run a full time consulting and training space visited by people from all over the globe. Traveled the world for 9 months with my wife and two home educated children, delivered the largest hypnosis training in Latin America, expanded our geographic base to include a family home in the West End of Edinburgh, Scotland’s World Heritage capital… and much personal fulfilment for both myself and my family (all creation is co-creation)… and more!

How This Program Works

Hemispheres I: The Magician’s Journey is a six month small group coaching and mentoring program in developing a magical, generative, nonlinear engagement with life. The aim is nothing short of the reconfiguration and transformation of your consciousness to better equip you to dance results out of the complexity of modern reality (this is not a passive process, you will be wide awake as a developer, alive to feedback. The magic you create will ultimately be uniquely yours).

The group will have a maximum of 8 members and a minimum of 4, and will meet 18 times (for approximately 2 hours) in an online space across 6 months (from October 2020 through March 2021). Additional materials (including those created specifically for this group) will be housed in a resource library for ongoing reference.

In addition, you will be carving out a minimum of 30 minutes a day to engage in developmental work related to the program (if you are not willing to make this commitment, this group is not for you).

This makes for around 126 hours development time minimum!

The program is structured around a series of 8 archetypes, each of which contains lessons and ‘activation keys’ for shifts in seeing and being (both consciousness and engagement shifts). These archetypes will become an infinite resource for you. A resource which will continue to grow in meaning and power essentially for the rest of your life (or, alternatively, for as long as you wish to continue to engage magically in the world).

The focus of Hemispheres I is very much on generative engagement with everyday reality (Hemispheres II, when it comes about, will take us further into the ‘inner realms’ of our psyches). Whilst it is not a ‘spiritual development’ program as such, our growing efficacy in creating with the world is founded in deepening understandings of both ourselves and the nature of psycho-social reality. For this reason many people find that this work has ‘spiritual byproducts’ so to speak (and again, this is not an otherworldly dualistic, religious spirituality, but very much thisworldly, holistic and non-religious - at least at its source, though people can certainly take it where it is most meaningful for them. For a rough guide, think more Taoist than Abrahamic).


The approach to magical engagement we are developing consists in an understanding and blending of the ‘styles of consciousness and engagement’ of both our left and right cerebral hemispheres (not to mention all that lays beneath!) - the rational, analytic, confabulatory, subject-object, goal focussed consciousness of the left brain with the embedded, participatory, spatial, connective, sensing consciousness of the right.

This is not based on the old ‘pop psychology’ distinctions but is instead informed by the meta-analysis of neuroscience, history and philosophy undertaken by Iain McGilchrist (written up in The Master and his Emissary) and supported additionally by the insights of Jill Bolte Taylor (My Stroke of Insight) and others.

Even though there is scientific work behind this, our application is purely magical (results magic) and generative and not scientific (in itself, science is a paradigm of exploration, not of creation). So we are working with this as scientifically sourced myth and metaphor exclusively and not with it as claimed ‘fact’ or ‘truth’ (as an aside, you will be learning the difference and relationship between scientific and magical thinking through your engagement in the program).

Who This Is For?

Hemispheres I: The Magician’s Journey is open to just 8 people and the group may not even ultimately hold that many. The most important thing for me as facilitator and guide in this transformative journey is that the group dynamic is right. For this reason I will be interviewing every applicant and those who are not a good fit will, out of necessity, not find a place.

This is absolutely essential to ensure the necessary coherence to create a truly generative dynamic.

So, who IS this for?

This program is for those who are looking to become more adept results creators AND who recognise the limitations of the currently dominant, linear ‘productivity focussed’ paradigms (time, task and procrastination management methods).

It is for those who recognise that we have more power in where we are coming from rather than in where we are struggling to get to.

It is for those who recognise that there is more to the workings of the world than is dreamt of or accounted for by science, pure reason, materialistic philosophy and rationalistic ‘common sense’ (to massively paraphrase William Shakespeare).

It is for those open to discovering the power and purpose of mythical and magical consciousness.

It is for those who are fully committed to the journey and their own personal transformation (rather than those who are still ‘getting ready’).

Once again, coherence within the group is essential (as it is one of the primary generative forces). If you are thinking of applying, as a base-level alignment check…

Please read through the following values list and check for resonance!

• Creation

• Generation

• Freedom

• Fulfilment

• Adaptability/Agility

• Exploration/Discovery

• Responsibility/Ownership

• Empowerment

• Possibility

• Difference

Please also have personal clarity that you are willing to increase your levels of ownership and personal responsibility and personal power in your life!

If you resonate with these values and believe you meet the criteria, please do scroll down to find the application questions.

Who Is This NOT for

Again, I cannot stress enough how important coherence is as a generative element within the group dynamic. This means that we all need to be aligned in attitude!

So, by way of a second check, this program is absolutely not for...

  • Anyone looking for quick and superficial ‘hacks’ rather than real understanding and transformation

  • Anyone unwilling to reflect with honesty upon themselves as they relate to their current circumstances and habitual results

  • Anyone unwilling to risk seeing things from perspectives that challenge their current perceptions

  • Anyone looking to argue about what is or isn’t so rather than exploring with new possibilities (this is really important)

  • Anyone looking for 'accountability’ - you will get support and honest feedback in this group, but the only person you are accountable is yourself!

What I Bring

What I bring is experience, expertise, vision and my skills as both nonlinear creator AND professional 'mind shifter' (I have been coaching and facilitating individual change professionally for almost 20 years).

To be clear I absolutely do not claim any definitive, objective authority - only experience, perspective and expertise provided to you as a resource. I have done much to develop myself as an effective non-linear creator (aka ‘magician’ if you prefer that flavour) and am still developing significantly. Essentially, I am on the same path as you - enough steps ahead (if you are a good fit for this program) but most certainly not at journey's end.

Please know that I coach from my biases and 100% own them. That means that whilst I will never claim my perspective as truth or insist that anyone take them onboard, I absolutely WILL share my perspectives and understandings with clarity and vigour!

Throughout our time together I am 100% aligned with your success!


Format and Fees

Hemispheres I: The Magician’s Journey consists in 18 live 'crucible' sessions across 6 months, conducted via Zoom, along with 120 short personal daily development/practice sessions.

Facilitated Sessions

  • Oct 2020 - 7,14, 21

  • Nov 2020 - 4,11, 18

  • Dec 2020 - 2, 9, 16

  • Jan 2021 - 6, 13, 20

  • Feb 2021 - 3, 10, 17

  • Mar 2021 - 3, 10, 17

All sessions will take place on Wednesdays at 7pm London Time (generally 8 hours ahead of LA, 5 hours ahead of NYC and 9 hours behind Melbourne (if there are any super early risers or night owls there).

Additionally, there is access to a resource library of audios on various topics created as we go, along with access to archives from previous coaching groups.

Between sessions, communication within the group will be facilitated by a private facebook group!

The fee for this program is £1950 all inclusive. The return on investment will last a lifetime.


Membership of this program is exclusively by application and interview. This process is not too formal but it is important to ensure the right dynamics within the group.

If you think that you would like to be part of this, please take your time to really consider and answer the following questions.

  • What is your current professional and relationship position?

  • What would you love to create in the world (relationships, health, lifestyle, income, art etc.)?

  • What is missing for you right now?

  • What do you consider your strengths to be?

  • What capacities would you love to develop within yourself?

  • Why?

  • How certain are you that you know how the world works?

  • Why is now the right time for you to engage with this program?

Should your application look to be a good fit, we will book in some time on Zoom for a deeper conversation to ensure that the fit is as it needs to be.

Please do make use of the form below to submit your application!

In Closing

I think I have most of the major points covered here and I really don’t want to ‘over write’ this information page, but if there is anything that you would like to know that I’ve missed out here, please do make use of the webform above to ask.

Other than that, if you already know this is something you’d like to go for AND you are ready to start shifting into a more generative way of dancing with the world, I look forward to receiving your application soon!

All the very best,

James Tripp

I spent 6 months with James Tripp and it was a fantastic trip!

James Tripp has always resonated with me, so I felt grateful to be selected as one of the few he allowed into his Power of Eight group for 2019. At first I was a bit intimidated and wondering if I had enough to add to the group. James did a beautiful job of selecting a diverse group that all had some essential things in common. From the first meeting I was immediately as comfortable as I had been when I had my initial conversation with James to see if I was a fit for the group. He is so easy to talk to and had chosen people with that same quality.

The group as a whole are wonderful people that I enjoyed and learned from as we quickly became a team. We all came from different places but were looking at similar obstacles and a similar desire for the creation of the constantly changing path that was uniquely OURS. There has been so much camaraderie, open evaluation and a noticeable change in all of us from beginning to end.

James is open, forthcoming, a genuine seeker and his excitement is contagious about the possibilities of exploring our inner worlds to make changes in our outer realities. He has a vast library in his head of people, books and thoughts that have touched him that he freely shares. Our conversations were intelligent, mind and heart opening.

At the end of the day, I felt like I had been elevated in my level of confidence in myself and my path to a degree that I have certainly never felt before. I have learned so much over the last 6 months about so many things and had the joy of sharing anything it brought up for me to people I trusted.

Today was our last meeting and there was a definite reluctance to end the meeting from all of us. I am certain I will have more of James in my future, he is so unique that I never tire of learning from and with him. As for the rest of us, we will continue to meet each other, grow and will always have a special place in our hearts for each other.

If you have an opportunity to work with James in any capacity, I would recommend you take it. You will doubtless walk away with a mind expansion you never would have guessed at before he touched your life.

Thank you James for being such a generative part of my life!
— Angela Brooks-Reese - Po8 2.0