Coaching and Hypnotic Facilitation
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Looking to make better sense of yourself the world, and how you can increase your personal power within it?
Agents of Everything is the primary place where I share my work on sensemaking, neurolinguistics and developing your power and agency in the world. Basic subscription is free and opens access to the Agents of Everything Podcast along with occasional writings (blog style) and my irregular newsletters.
Hello & Welcome to ‘Tripp Central’!
Working with Rock 2 Recovery at Edinburgh Napier University
Hey there - this is James Tripp welcoming you personally to JamesTripp.co.uk!
The purpose of this website to function simply as a central hub for those interested in my personal and professional work, whether that be changework, consulting, writing, videowork, teaching or whatever!
Likelihood is you have found your way here through a podcast or video, or through having read my book and are interested in finding out more.
Whatever it is you are looking for, I hope you enjoy your time here and find some personal goodness. If you want to contact me for any reason (including hiring me for one-to-one work, speaking or podcast appearances you can do so via the contact form below.
Professional Bio
James Tripp is an internationally recognised authority in the fields of self development, personal mastery and generative changework.
Coming from a diverse background including philosophy, music, martial arts, movement culture and NLP, James is also the developer of the Hypnosis Without Trance approach to hypnotic facilitation as well as author of the critically acclaimed book of the same title.
In his one-to-one work, James works with individuals looking to become better adapted in consistently creating outcomes they value and living lives they love. Since turning professional in 2007 his clients have included artists, filmmakers, entrepreneurs and business creators, c-suite executives, actors and performers, frontline services operatives, medical doctors, writers, special forces operatives and military veterans.
Beyond his one-to-one work, James has presented at conferences and run workshops across Europe, Australia and North and South America, and his ‘home turf (London and Edinburgh) workshops typically draw students from around the world.
Taking a break from teaching hypnosis in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
My Book
In excellent company (on a customer’s bookshelf)
I’m pleased to say my book Hypnosis Without Trance: How Hypnosis Really Works is currently averaging 4.6 out of 5 stars across 72 reviews on Amazon.com!
"This instantly became one of my favorite books! Very few books in my life have I read and immediately reread but hypnosis without trance is one them. I've trained with the top hypnotists in the world and in this book James adds a perspective unseen anywhere else. The use use of presuppositions, body language, rapport techniques makes this book essential for any street hypnotist or hypnotherapist. I couldn't put it down. The principles are universal and can be learned by the novice but the techniques provide a road map for application for even the most advanced hypnotists." -5 Stars, Nicholas N. Spohn
If you want to find out not just how hypnosis works, but also how to facilitate some classic hypnotic phenomena without trance inductions, this is definitely worth a read (no bias, obviously! ;) )
Peer Feedback
"James, James, James... I want to let you know how much I appreciate your work. I am an NLP and Hypnosis Trainer (US and UK) with a 30 year history in the field, and quite frankly, when I look around the 'academic and professional hypnosis community', I see more bullshit than substance.
It is refreshing to see you at your art... and your great language utilization is as natural as it is effective. You are a member of an elite circle... you are the real deal."
Michael Watson - International Trainer of NLP
"Unlike some other coaches (and I know a lot), he has developed the knack of switching attention to the aspects of life that REALLY inspire and excite you, as a unique individual. A session that may perhaps have started on a rather flat note builds into a beautiful, rhythmic tune… and finally to a glorious crescendo of energy and motivation.
Wrapped into that effortless-looking process is a huge amount of skill and experience. I unhesitatingly recommend James and his work.”
Judy Rees – X-Ray Listener and Co-Author of Clean Language: Revealing Metaphors and Opening Minds
“I have worked professionally as an agent of change for twelve years, done thousands of client sessions and read several hundred books on Psychology, NLP and Hypnosis...
James gave me several useful nuances that I am using in my daily work, and his ideas have inspired me to develop some useful modifications, experiments and techniques of my own. Strongly recommended!”
Jørgen Rasmussen – Change Agent and Author of Provocative Hypnosis and Provocative Suggestions
“I thoroughly recommend spending some time in [James'] company. He knows many things, has the flexibility of an NLPer (a good one) the intent of a hypnotist (a good one) and the manners of a true gent.
He will bend you in two with his mind.”
Anthony Jacquin – Hypnotist, Mentalist and author of Reality is Plastic
James Tripp Presenting at Wellbeing Now!